
Good morning~
Now i want to post something about my activities right now....
Whoaa, i'm in the middle of a-long-holiday~
Actually i'm bored right now, because i don't know what i'm going to do with these long holiday
I've already do anything like eat, sleep, watch, playing games, or used the social media
But... gosh it's so bored!
Honestly i want to try the part time job but my mom said that just help her to do some housechores zzzzzzzz-,-
Well, i'll be go to the collegues soon on  1st september
I think it's enough for now, i want to continued to type but my older sister was so annoying...geez-__-

What's Up!

Good evening guys!
I will use the english to improved my english skills, especially in writing and the vocabularies.
Well, i've already free and now i have much times to posting some of my thoughts. so check it out~
Well, as i said before, now i'm free because this is the holiday time for the university student like me yeaayy!
no more duties, tasks, or homework and something like that until the next 3 months. it's like whoaa it's so chill out for me!
But, there's one problem that influence my mind. well said, "galau" has come to my mind....
the stupid thing is, i don't know what thing that makes me feel "galau" like that. yeah, honestly, i ever been like this since long long time ago. and it makes me so hampered.
i've tried to make myself busy with yeah you know with do anything that can entertain myself. but i think that's useless hhhhhh (laugh-emoticon)
It's makes sense because you know the teenagers these days sometimes experience that feel. so maybe i will say "just let it flow" will be the best answer of my messy mind.
hmmm..... i think it's enough for now. sorry for this weirdo like me. 
see ya~

What's up!

Hey everyone! what's up bro! well, this time maybe i have a chances to posting some of my daily activities hhhh.  so, now i'm free yeaayy! i'm in the middle of holiday because i've rise in the next grade or in second semester of my college. well, i think my scores are not bad, i'm very grateful with the results. maybe, no, i must to improve my scores step by step so soon i'll pass the college with the good scores aamiin.
hmm sorry if my english are bad because i'm trying to improve my vocabularies and also in speaking or writing. well, i'm so disappointed with my holiday...  you know what? because of my short-holiday just in some days-_- maybe i shouldn't complain with it zzzzzz-,-
i'm confused, but i don't know why. maybe i have a complicated thought or it's just my feeling, huh. maybe i should more hang out with my "the gembelers", that's a group which is created by me and my friends that insists of 14 people and i think we are the weirdo guys hahahaha. but i like just the way they're.
i guess it's enough, so..bye!